Autumn Stars (2007)

Written by on September 18, 2007 in Astrology, Features

Cynthia NovakWe welcome autumn breezes that lift us more upright and carry us along like a breeze beneath little human wings. We wait and watch for the bright autumn pallet that emerges differently each year; and hope we aren’t so busy we miss the show. Finally, the trees drop their color on the ground below and we welcome magical rain and its carpet like children welcome snowflakes in winter. The days grow shorter as the nights grow longer and we try to celebrate each hour as the gift it brings. That’s the gift of time.

It is an exciting time for politics as we get ready for 2008. The primaries dominate the news and the parties are so different that we might just miss exciting candidates as they come forward. Expect surprises on both sides. If they represent us as the U.S., it’s time we have some expectations. Do you want a vision or will you settle for anyone who isn’t one of “them”? Will you choose out of fear, or expect something greater of the candidates and of us? It is a time of choice.

Mars, the planet of war and service: We seem to speed up in the fall. Like us, the planets are moving, too. There is one notable exception: Mars. He lingers in one lunar mansion all season. He goes forward, then appears to stop and retreat. The house where he lingers in your chart will be activated, but you might face your personal demons on the journey. The lunar mansion he occupies is felt universally. That mansion is Ardra.
The symbols for Ardra are the head (brain) and a gem (many facets). One author calls it “the teardrop.” The Hindu deity associated with it is Rudra: “the howler” or storm god. These images are rich with literal and symbolic meaning. There may be literal storms; it is a “moist” time of the year. The greatest storms for most of us will come from our own thoughts. The journey of Mars can literally be self-destructive as we reach for others, who share in our collective howl or find something to self-medicate. [Does man or woman bashing make anyone a more loving partner? Does staring at your computer bring you closer or keep you apart?] This mansion is also associated with excesses, even addictions on the one hand and the quest for power, financial success or acquisition on the other. The result: we find that neither can quiet our inner storms and we reach for each other. Look in your Vedic chart for a personal planet [Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn] in Gemini and you will feel this personally. If you also have a planet in early Sagittarius, then you’ll play it out on several stages in your life. If you don’t feel it personally, then help others who do.

October: Ready, set go…well, almost ready. Mars starts the month facing Pluto, who is in the first degrees of Sagittarius. Both are in mansions good for fierce causes and destruction for the sake of something better. Expect whispers and news of corporate mergers. Don’t expect them all to appear this month, some may take 6 months; but things everywhere are rearranging. In the U.S. these planets trigger Venus and Jupiter: our collective love, money and beliefs. Jupiter is law in general so there will be lots of business surrounding the process. Money is rearranged and there is a booming business around that. The support for folks who struggle to pay mortgages looks real.

The fierce combination is, unfortunately, good for war. Each of us must face the battles within. What is worth fighting for? Do you understand the other side? This can be a great time for smaller, leaner corporations that have some service to offer. Mars at his best is about service. Get out and meet others. Work toward a goal. Resist the temptation to blame “those people” for everything that upsets your world. Breathe deeply and seek inner peace. Whew! It sounds like a long list, but these actions really do help us all find balance when the world seems crazy. Jupiter is moving fast now; it is time to take action with enthusiasm. Don’t give into fear; you’ll miss the good stuff! Take a stand for what is just, but be patient with the process.
Mercury goes retrograde from October 12 to November 1. Back up your computer early in October and keep it backed up. It’s time to doublecheck your appointments, verify your travel plans, charge your cell and your own physical batteries. This is when we are most likely to lose our patience and our phones. If you have been waiting for a reply, follow up with a smile, not a snit. Repeat all numbers: don’t assume caller ID is going to do it for you. Make your message simple and you’re more likely to get a call back sooner. Be kind to the clerk or service person and, most of all, keep a sense of humor. We are only humans trying to pedal faster and get there. This is a fabulous time for mental R&R, but a lousy time for a tight schedule. You may need to meditate for a few minutes during the day and allow your brain time to rest. Find that time and it will keep you connected. If you travel, be flexible. If you make travel plans during this period, then follow up. Even the best system goes astray if you punch in the wrong request. It is, however, a nice time to travel for enjoyment. You’ll get there when you get there. The world will go on if you miss a few calls.

November: Use the first few days to get organized. Ruthlessly toss what you don’t need or what burdens you. Mercury appears to stop and go forward just in time to set up your corner of the world the way you like it. Remember, Mercury is about business and intellect. They are moving forward. Jupiter spends his final month in the constellation Scorpio. He’s moving fast now and the big plans from months ago resurface with the added momentum and enthusiasm to bring them to reality. If you have a planet in the last 5 degrees of Scorpio, then this is your lucky time to set something in motion. Jupiter is the guru, teacher, trainer, storyteller, attorney, politician and actor. They all have one thing in common: they need an audience. If you’ve been shy, then this is your time to leap out into the world. It’s a powerful time for activists and sales reps. The momentum is on and we, as a whole, are starting to feel lucky again. Jupiter is about big constitutional ideas and ideals of groups.

December: Jupiter is in his favorite constellation. He’ll linger here for a full year. This first partner is Pluto. The combination is powerful for big change and transformation. This union is strong for good publicity and all kinds of PR. If you have a planet in the first 5 degrees of Sagittarius of your Vedic chart, then you feel the power and the responsibility that comes with it. Corporate mergers are in the news and there is a buzz around the U.S. about how our money is and has been spent. Information about corporate financial scandal could be the hot topic. It is time to look at your own finances and see how you’ve spent your money. This is a great time for bonuses and opportunities if these planets hit your chart. It’s not limited to just this month, but to much of next year. The Market is stimulated, but it is still bouncing, with folks moving back in before the year’s end. There is excitement in the air.

Mars Faces Jupiter with a dose of Pluto: Act upon your dreams: Think 1960. This begins on November 28th and continues until the end of April 2008. It’s rare that we find Jupiter and Mars in lunar mansions that are so fierce and emotional. I did a little searching and found several, so this combination does not promise great destruction. It is strongest in the month of December 2007. “Strong for what?” you ask. I took a look back in time. Mars faces Jupiter on a regular basis, but literally activated the same mansions in the fall of 1960. That fall JFK would win the election, we were preparing to launch the first man into space and organized opposition to segregation laws later called Freedom Rides was gaining steam. The movement followed a Supreme Court decision on December 5, 1960 on Boynton v. Virginia. The decision ultimately outlawed racial segregation of public transportation. The “sit ins” began in ‘61 and would legally desegregate the South. Just when it looks dark, we see the value of cooperation and connection. Yippee! Take a few minutes to read about this emotional, fierce and cathartic movement. MLK is a great place to start and his writings are rich for us all right now.
These planets naturally lend themselves to hyperbole. It is true the lunar mansions of Adra and Mula were activated on 9-11-2001. However, it does not necessarily follow that history will remember this autumn as a troubled or destructive time. It may remember it as the beginning of something big. It may stimulate us each to look at the best and the worst of ourselves, as well as to what we think we know about “them”. Keep a keen eye on the courts and expect the beginning of evolution all around. Turn off the tube and walk away from the computer. Get outside and notice what is going on around you. That is the antidote to destructive thoughts.

Love and Money: There is great love and compassion all around. The challenge is to look at each other with different eyes. This will be tricky as the political rhetoric of separation resounds. The money is flowing and the goal is to pull us into a camp. The Market will fluctuate, but as you look back, imagine how rich you would feel if you had invested your heart in the words of Rev. King and not in the separation. Where might you invest now?
So, what can we do with it? Religions, political groups, and yes, action or reaction groups of all kinds, pull in like-minded folks. The fear of destruction pushes us first apart, then pulls us closer to source. We can expect a JFK-charismatic and smart leader. We can also expect the best of ourselves to come forward as we face our fears.

A heightened awareness of our own mortality and that of our loved ones finds us searching for meaning or distraction. We will reach for some cause greater than ourselves and for peace within ourselves or we will be distracted by a way to self-medicate. Remember, Ardra is vulnerable to excesses: that might be anything from drugs and alcohol to computer games. The big question: Do you feel connected or are you fearful and wired. If it’s the latter, then it’s time to pull out the old meditation tools, such as this one: Breathe deeply; put both feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes and consciously become aware of your toes on up to the top of your head. Continue this until you feel that slight tingle of energy that is your cue you’ve connected with source energy. If you are drained, you can draw upon this to sustain you. If you are sad, you can allow that emotion to float away. If you are stressed, you can slowly allow your body and mind to relax. When you feel the pull of anxiety or fear, then you can look to see if it is real or part of the collective marketing plan to get you to react. Find a meditation group or come together with others in prayer. Walk out in nature and take in the gift of life.
What I thought I knew would hurt me: In the tradition of Jupiter, let me tell you a story. I was recently a guest at a Southern Baptist funeral that wasn’t a funeral at all. At the behest of the deceased, it was a gathering of family first and then folks who wanted to visit and say goodbye. I thought it would drag on, but the 3 hours were so light because the dear lady who passed had lived a compassionate life; she invested her love in those around her and took chances. Don’t think for a moment that she had an easy or indulged life: quite the contrary. This gathering brought out the best of all. Emotions were wide as folks shared joyful stories with grief at the loss and a little relief. Their loved one had suffered great physical pain before she passed. She remained loving, but sincerely ready to go.

My thoughts pulled me away: A woman brought in a lone white dove in a tiny ornate cage. I was convinced she would release the dove and it would certainly be some hawk’s dinner. All I could think about was a magician who told me he used white doves because they were bred to be passive and dumb. He said they could not survive in the wild. I fretted about the dove. I presumed that all white doves were alike. I was distracted from the love all around me by my thoughts. When we arrived at the gravesite I stood in the back. There was one dove in a cage, with several more nearby. I saw the handler and she looked so hard and cold. When the service was over, the dove handler spoke: Her voice was kind, resonant and loving. They were going to release the dove, which was a homing dove. It was going home, not alone, but with others. I was so relieved to realize they weren’t going to the hawk buffet, but out for a flight with their friends!

The dove handler’s voice was so loving; her whole appearance changed in my mind, my heart and my eyes. I instantly knew she was speaking the truth. The great grandchildren were allowed to touch the dove and the daughters came forward to help release it. They would give their mother wings and all wept with the joy of that liberation. The lone dove with 3 others right behind her formed a group, then circled back. They knew that 8 more were going along. As we move through the autumn months and are tempted by fear or separated by our own “thoughts”, hold this story near. Your mind (ardra) may be the source of separation and the mental fears of destruction (mula). Are you ready to fly home? Will you choose fear or connection? When you judge, will you step aside and look from a different perspective? This could be the beginning of the end of another form of segregation. We may need to “sit” to feel it.

Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984. Read Cynthia’s daily astrological message at or see
Come hear Cynthia’s talk at the Wellness Expo on Sunday, October 21 at 11:30am entitled “Astrology and You”.

About Cynthia Novak

Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984 or visit


About the Author

About the Author: Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984 or visit .


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