NAET: A Holistic Approach to Allergies

Written by on September 21, 2011 in Health

Have you ever experienced a bad feeling that just won’t go away? It could be caused by an undiagnosed and untreated allergy.

Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) is a holistic method to approaching allergy treatment. NAET uses muscle response to detect where the allergen is located and how it is disrupting the body. Created by Dr. Nambudripad, NAET is quickly becoming a popular form of alternative medicine because of the extremely effective method of restoring balance and wellness in an individual. This technique is non- invasive, drug free, and has no known side effects, so there is little harm that could occur.


The secret to NAET is the unique combination of acupuncture, applied kinesiology, nutrition, and traditional allergy therapy. Applied kinesiology can be defined as “the study of muscles and the movement of the human body for use in diagnosis and treatment, based on viewing the body as interacting unit of different parts that affect each other and combining methods from chiropracty and traditional Chinese medicine.” When there is an allergen in one specific part of the body, it blocks proper energy and electrical flow throughout the whole body. The body works as one unit, and NAET treats it as so. Instead of just trying to treat the symptoms of allergies, NAET searches for the root cause of the problem then solves it. Acupuncture and accupressure is used to

Allergies plague millions of people in the United States- hay fever and food or chemical allergies affect roughly 25 percent of the population. Once you get rid of the underlying problems of allergies, then the asthma, eczema, lupus, and other diseases will get better. The duration of the treatment program is dependent upon the number of specific allergies and the overall intensity of the allergic condition. When the allergies have disappeared, happiness can finally be regained.


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