The Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives

Written by on December 11, 2005 in Books, Reviews

Journey Of SoulsMore and more, I seem to run across people who have toyed with the possibility of reincarnation. This idea brings us to ponder some of the bigger questions, such as, where was I before I was born? Who are these people in my life? What am I doing here? Is this my soulmate?

Journey of Souls: Case Life Studies of Life Between Lives, by Michael Newton, Ph. D., tackles the above questions (and more!), but not necessarily in a philosophical way. Dr. Newton, who holds a doctorate in counseling and is a California state- registered Master Hypnotherapist, discovered a unique approach to behavior-modification therapy. To find the roots of certain problems, he began to regress clients to their past lives. Eventually, he realized he could regress people to the period of time they spend between lives and found clarity here as well.

In The Journey of Souls, Dr. Newton shares 29 actual case histories and details about what occurs during the life between physical lives. He shares dialogue about what it is like to die, what happens when we get to the other side, and how souls spend time during their lives between physical lives. In addition, he discusses how souls determine what their next physical life will be, and what the purpose of the life will be. During the introduction to his book, Dr. Newton defines it as “an intimate journal about the spirit world.”

Dr. Newton’s words rang true for me. In fact, I have recommended this book to many people who are intrigued with consciousness and are open- minded enough to explore the topics without too much cynicism. This isn’t a book for people who are looking for scientific proof, but it is one for those who like the voyage of discovery.

Reviewed by Kirstie Johnson, BJM, RMT

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