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Conversations with God: Book One
Conversations with God: Book Two

Neale Donald Walsch, 1995,1997,
Hampton Roads Publishing Company

Neale Donald Walsch is an ordinary man who found himself frustrated with how his life was going, so he asked God, “Why? Why? Why?” as we sometimes do. The extraordinary thing for Walsch is that God answered him -- very clearly. Yet, Walsch is not intent on having you believe that God actually spoke to him. He would just have you absorb the material and determine its value to you.

The scope of Book One focuses on personal identity, responsibility, and our Divine ability to create our reality. It’s a warm and loving book, yet it will shake up your idea of “God.”

Book Two is a wake-up call. It addresses the sphere of our planetary responsibility and the potential for us to co-create an enlightened civilization. Introduced in Book Two is the notion of “transparency” -- complete openness about every aspect of your life. In a transparent society there are no secrets. (Walsch himself embraces the notion of transparency in his own company: his workbooks and audio materials have two numbers on them -- both a retail price and a disclosure of his cost).

Book 3 of the series is due out in October 1998. In a recent interview, Walsch reveals that Book 3 deals with far more expansive and metaphysical material -- covering life on other worlds -- how other advanced civilizations govern themselves, teach their young, and get along.

Book reviews by Tony Cecala, Ph.D.