It’s For the Best

Written by on September 28, 2009 in Editorial

Recently my son and I were driving to an event together. We had allowed extra time for traffic. Surprisingly, every light we approached was green and although it was still rush hour, we did not experience any traffic. When we were less than 10 minutes from our destination, I told my son that I had not anticipated us to have such clear roads and that it looked like we were going to arrive a bit earlier than planned. Before we could decide what to do about this, on a part of the highway where I had not expected any slow down, we were suddenly experiencing a delay. I actually welcomed the traffic, as did my son, and we agreed that this was perfect. Now we would arrive at our event at the appointed time. He and I chatted happily about how this had worked out quite well. I marvelled with him about how if we were in a hurry, this same event would have felt quite stressful.

So often in life it is our interpretation of what happens to us rather than what actually occurs that makes all of the difference. When several people experience the same event, there are frequently as many different viewpoints as there are people involved. Sometimes what starts out feeling like a loss turns out to be a great blessing. For example, missing an airplane flight can be quite upsetting, however, if the plane were to crash, then missing the plane would prove to be quite fortunate.

It is up to us how we choose to view our lives. By focusing on the positive and on what is working, we can experience a more joyful existence. Surrounding ourselves with people who share our values and our vision and who also elect to view life in a happy manner can lead us to experience much fulfillment. I hope you will appreciate how much control you really do have over how you experience your life and that you will allow yourself to trust that things work out for the best.

Love & Light,

Felicia Weiss

“The first question I ask myself when something doesn’t seem to be beautiful is why do I think it’s not beautiful. And very shortly you discover that there is no reason.”
-John Cage

About Felicia Weiss, Ph.D.

Felicia co-publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In her spare time, Felicia enjoys reading and working in the garden.

About the Author

About the Author: Felicia co-publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In her spare time, Felicia enjoys reading and working in the garden. .


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