Archive for June, 2012

Lean Into Life

Lean Into Life

Written by on June 18, 2012 in Editorial, Featured

Do you feel like the pace of life has accelerated beyond your comfort zone? Has your email inbox grown to Biblical proportions? You’re not alone. Even executives running the very companies that fuel this internet revolution report that they have trouble keeping up. How can you manage the ever-increasing tempo of change? You really do […]

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Being More Than Our Circumstances

Written by on June 18, 2012 in Editorial, Featured

I recently read about an extraordinary, 24-year-old woman named Aimee Copeland. She had cut her leg when she fell off a friends’ zip line into the water on May 1st. Initially she required 22 surgical staples and seemed to be all right. However, on May 4th, she was diagnosed with necrotizing fascitis, which is an […]

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Your Summer Stars: Astrology Forecast (Summer 2012)

Your Summer Stars: Astrology Forecast (Summer 2012)

Written by on June 18, 2012 in Astrology with 0 Comments

It’s going to get hotter, the planets are rather crabby and the season ends with two national conventions.* I expect plenty of blame, disdain and frustration: Probably a surprise or two :+} for the VP slot. And still, there is an abundance of good stuff around. We can get irritated and react or take a […]

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The Bond : Book Review by Felicia Weiss, Ph.D.

The Bond : Book Review by Felicia Weiss, Ph.D.

Written by on June 18, 2012 in Books

The Bond will transform the way you view the world. It will help you understand how the Darwinian notion of “survival of the fittest” has led to a win-lose mentality that has caused a lot of damage and is really not in keeping with what is really in people’s hearts. It is not the most […]

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A Simple Mantra for Healing Your Dark Night of the Soul

A Simple Mantra for Healing Your Dark Night of the Soul

Written by on June 18, 2012 in Books

By Rajiv Parti, MD (aka Dr. Raj) Healing from my ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ was not easy but the three main steps I had to go through were: 1. Forgive 2. Love and 3. Heal. This mantra “Forgive, Love, Heal” will help one heal from a dramatic ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ as mine […]

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