Vegetarian / Vegan Classes

Vegetarian / Vegan Classes

Natural food choices and vegetarianism are growing in popularity. Many people find that low-fat vegetables and fruits bring excellent health benefits such as anti-oxidants and natural weight loss.

Vegetarian: For the purpose of membership of IVU, vegetarianism includes veganism and is defined as the practice of not eating meat, poultry or fish or their by-products, with or without the use of dairy products or eggs.

Often broken down further into OVO-LACTO, and LACTO. Vegetarians may or may not try and minimize their non food use of animals like vegans.

Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian: same as VEGAN, but also eats eggs and milk products. This is the most 'popular' form of Vegetarianism.

Lacto Vegetarian: Same as VEGAN, but also eats milk products.

Veggie -- Shortened nick-name for a VEGETARIAN; often includes VEGANs.

Strict vegetarian: originally meant vegan, now can mean vegan or vegetarian.

Veganism may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms it refers to the practice of dispensing with *all* animal produce - including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey, and their derivatives.

Promoting Vegetarianism Worldwide Since 1908
The International Vegetarian Union (IVU) was founded in 1908 when the first World Vegetarian Congress was held in Dresden, Germany. The idea for IVU came from the French Vegetarian Society, the first Congress was organised internationally by the British Society and locally by the Dresden Society with support from the Deutsche Vegetarier-Bund. Since then a series of World Congresses have been held all around the world.