Tarot Readers

Tarot Readers

Tarot is a divination method used to obtain guidance to situations in your life. Some believe that the Tarot began in Italy over 500 years ago while others feel that it corresponds to the Kabbalah. The tarot card deck contains 78 cards. Tarot card readers tend to use different 'spreads' and to have their own interpretations and way of using the cards. These readings can be quite informative and accurate.

Intuitive Astrologer and
Tarot Reader
Cynthia Novak
metro 817-261-2984
Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, tape-recorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.
Carla Mae
Spirit uses me as a Channel to show others there is life after our physical death. I can assist you in receiving evidential confirmation that your loved ones are with you and help you see your life decision's with clarity.
Gypsies On Call
Kay Carrell
2023 Tennessee Ave
Dallas, TX 75224
Kathleen Tucci
3800 Cross Bend Road
Plano, TX 75023-5920