Who Inspires You?

Written by on October 1, 2004 in Editorial

Who inspires you? I am inspired by people whose enthusiasm about their life compels me to share their message with others. Their passion for their dreams inspires me to reconnect with my highest vision for my life. When we remember that we are much more than our roles, our nationalities, our special interests, our bank accounts, and our body-fat index, we can be open to the light of the divine and become inspirational beings that bless the lives of others.

By inspiring others, we can help to create heaven on earth. In fact, the first definition for the word “inspire” reads: “to affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.” Inspire also means “to breathe life into”…so breathe life into someone’s life, inspire them!

John F. Kennedy inspired his generation with a goal to put a man on the moon by 1970. It’s been said that a goal is a dream with a deadline. Moving towards an inspirational goal energizes us; it catalyzes our resources and aligns our actions. Use that as your guide for voting this year—vote for the person or party whose vision inspires you!

This issue of the Holistic Networker brings inspirational messages from talented voices in our community. La Rue Eppler’s article, “I was Seduced by a Genius” reminds us of the power we have right at our fingertips. Nicole Mizoguchi’s inspirational art piece, “Embracing Light” can be clipped and posted on your refrigerator or office wall so that others may also be inspired. Nicole’s art will be featured on October 29th at “The Upper Room”, a celebration of creative artists and the creative in each of us. This popular monthly gathering brings together the metroplex’s brightest minds, bodies, and spirits for an evening of inspiration, fun, and creativity. (See HolisticNetworker.com for details.)

We also reviewed the books How to Avoid the Cosmic 2×4 by local author and healer, Rita Louise, Ph.D., and the Space Clearing Kit by Christan Hummel. See also, Stephen Simon‘s review of the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?”. This film about consciousness played to sold out theatres on the west coast and it has just arrived in Dallas. See it at the Loews 14 Cityplace or Loews City View, and discover why people are calling it the “thinking man’s Matrix”.

Wishing you an inspired autumn!

Tony Cecala, Ph.D.

About Tony Cecala

Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

About the Author

About the Author: Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind. .


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