HCG: The Key to Weight Loss

Written by on September 4, 2010 in Featured, Health, Weight Loss

The Remarkable Work of Dr. A.T.W. Simeons

Dr. Simeons has contributed a breakthrough in the field of obesity and weight management. Thanks to his discovery of the role of HCG in weight management, we now have a scientific approach to weight loss that works comfortably and consistently for people. He was truly a pioneer, whose work is incredibly beneficial and helpful in solving the obesity problem that has grown to epic proportions in the United States.

Pounds and Inches
The late Dr. A.T.W. Simeons was a British Endocrinologist, who spent decades studying the nature and treatment of obesity. In the late 1930’s after looking at thousands of cases and developing a treatment that showed good results, Dr. Simeons began publishing his findings in scientific journals. However, he received so many inquiries from research institutes, doctors, and patients that in 1954 he published a manuscript called “Pounds and Inches” to explain his findings to both laypersons and professionals.

Three Types of Fat
First, he discussed the nature of obesity, a disorder whose disposition he believed can be inherited. Then he distinguished among three types of fat: 1. structural- which provides the important and necessary function of filling the gaps between various organs; 2. normal reserve of fuel- which is utilized for muscular activity and the maintenance of body temperature; and 3. abnormal reserve of fuel- which is locked away and unavailable to the body in a nutritional emergency.

While the first two types of fat are necessary for our survival, it is the latter type that can lead to obesity and that is difficult to lose during normal dieting. After studying various glands and brain function, Dr. Simeons concluded that it is the hypothalamus (the part of the brain from which the central nervous system controls all the autonomic functions of the body, such as breathing, heart beat, digestion, etc.), which manages the deposits and withdrawals of fat. When a person consumes more fat than their body requires, the hypothalamus locks it away and takes it out of normal circulation.

Three Paths to Becoming Overweight
This discovery led Dr. Simeons to conclude that there are three basic ways for a person to become overweight or even obese. First of all, they might have inherited an abnormally low fat-banking capacity. Secondly, their prior normal fat-banking capacity may have been lowered due to some other disorder of their hypothalamus, such as might occur in menopause or some types of diabetes. Finally, obesity can occur when a normal fat-center is suddenly required to handle more food than is needed for momentary requirements (such as when a person overeats, exercises less, etc.). Dr. Simeons noted that in the first two situations, obesity may occur regardless of whether or not a person overeats. He reasoned that in order to treat obesity, he had to correct any hypothalamic deficiencies.

HCG: The Key to Weight Loss
Dr. Simeons understood that pregnant women have enormous quantities of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) circulating in their body, which allows them to experience almost unlimited hypothalamic banking capacity so that fat deposits are not formed. After she gives birth and the HCG is gone, then a formerly pregnant women’s hypothalamus reverts to its normal capacity so that abnormally accumulated fat is locked away and banked and obesity may once again occur.

Dr. Simeons discovered that by injecting a person with HCG and restricting them to a very low calorie diet (since they don’t have a baby growing inside of them) that they could access their fat stores and lose weight. He found that HCG seems to continually saturate the blood, allowing people to not feel hungry, although their food intake has been drastically reduced. Since HCG is not a sex hormone, it operates the same way in men, women and children.

Dr. Simeons’ HCG Clinic in Italy
Dr. Simeons successfully applied his new approach to weight loss to thousands of patients in his clinic in Italy. He recommended that patients take the HCG for 23-40 days. He had the HCG administered to them by injection. After the injections were stopped, he had his patients continue with their low-calorie diet for three more days to be sure that all of the HCG was eliminated from their body. He found that his patients were no more hungry during these three days than they were while taking the HCG.

HCG and “Loading Days”
For the first two days with the HCG, Dr. Simeons had his patients eat large quantities of fatty and sugary foods. He felt these “loading” days were important in order to swell the fat stores in their body so that when the low-calorie diet was begun that these fat stores would be more easily accessed. With reasonably well stocked fat reserves, Dr. Simeons’ patients were able to comfortably be on a 500 calorie/day diet. Although his patients would often gain a few pounds on their two loading days, they generally lost all of this weight in the first 48 hours of the low-calorie diet. Then they tended to lose 1/2 to 1 pound/day of fatty tissue for the duration. Since they were losing their fat stores and not their structural fat or normal fat reserves, they found that their weight loss occurred in the areas where they needed to lose it the most.

The Maintenance Phase of the HCG Diet
Following their program, Dr. Simeons’ patients entered a maintenance phase for the next three weeks, where they could eat whatever they chose, with the exception of sugars and starches. He encouraged them to weigh themselves daily and to make appropriate modifications if they gained more than two pounds. After this maintenance phase, they were able to slowly add other foods, while always continuing with their daily weighing. Overall, he found that 60-70% of his patients experienced little or no trouble in permanently maintaining their weight loss. He noted that many of his patients who regained weight did so as a result of not continuing to weigh themselves daily and to make adjustments as needed. Dr. Simeons found that patients who had more weight to lose or who had regained some of their weight were able to do additional rounds of the HCG program quite successfully and comfortably.

Two Types of HCG
Although Dr. Simeons focused solely on HCG injections, today HCG is also available in homeopathic form. The advantage to this is that the HCG homeopathic drops are more easily administered (the drops are just held under the tongue for about 30 seconds and then swallowed) and they are very inexpensive. Many have found them to be equally effective to the HCG injections. I have found them to work quite well and have known many people, who have used them successfully to achieve their weight loss goals. It is important to make sure that the homeopathic HCG drops are manufactured by a reputable manufacturer, who manufactures them according to the strictest standards in a federally- and state-registered pharmaceutical laboratory, which has regular inspections by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to ensure compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

The HCG Homeopathic drops are available at: www.ShiftingFrequencies.com or call 972-378-1211.

About Felicia Weiss, Ph.D.

Felicia co-publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In her spare time, Felicia enjoys reading and working in the garden.

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About the Author

About the Author: Felicia co-publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In her spare time, Felicia enjoys reading and working in the garden. .


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