The most important thing in your life

Written by on March 31, 2008 in Editorial

We never really know what is the most important thing we do in our lives. Maybe we offer a smile and some words of encouragement to a passing stranger and this helps them turn their life around and go on to do great things. We might not even be aware that this interaction had such a great impact on the world as we go about our daily lives. Or, it might be that one of our children, whom we nurture and love, goes on to make a big difference in the world. Perhaps our most important act was to have this child and to help them be the person they are today.

When my grandfather was a little boy, he remembered how one day he saw his father become extremely angry at another man. He observed his father’s face become beet red and he saw his father literally shaking with rage. He thought to himself how silly it was to ever let yourself become that upset about anything. He vowed to himself that he would never do this. I remember my grandfather as a very calm man and I never saw him become extremely angry about anything. My grandfather shared this story with one of my brothers when he was young. It made a great impression on him as well and he, too, told himself that he would not allow himself to be an angry person. This brother has also always been very calm and even-tempered.

My mother recently told me this story and I found myself thinking how profound my grandfather’s realization was. I marveled at how perhaps the most important thing my great-grandfather did in his life was to model how not to be. Ironically, by losing his temper, he helped others learn how to better manage the upsets in their own lives.

Dr. David R. Hawkins, author of incredible books about consciousness, such as Power vs. Force, recommends that we live our lives like a prayer. Since we can never really know what the most important thing we do is at the time we are going through our lives, this makes a lot of sense to me. We have to trust that our actions are important and that they do make a positive difference in the world. Often it is the little things we do that matter most. Life is a lot like dominoes- one small movement can effect everything.

I hope you will live your life as if every moment, person, and thing matters. For all you know today could be the day when you do the most important thing in your life. Even if you do the second most important thing, this will still be significant.

Love & Light,

About Felicia Weiss, Ph.D.

Felicia co-publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In her spare time, Felicia enjoys reading and working in the garden.

About the Author

About the Author: Felicia co-publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In her spare time, Felicia enjoys reading and working in the garden. .


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