The “Peace Wave”

Written by on April 1, 2003 in Editorial

Have you ever played with a hand-held laser pointer? I’m fascinated by these devices. Powered by tiny batteries, they emit an intense beam of light that is visible for miles.

What’s the secret behind laser light? Physicists have determined that light waves are generally incoherent—that their wavelengths are randomly oriented. Simply put, one wavelength of light may be “up” and another “down,” cancelling each other out. Laser light, however, is coherent, its wavelengths are in phase (all up or all down) and they amplify each other.

We see this principle at work in a sports stadium when the crowd does “The Wave.” In The Wave, each person aligns the timing or phase of their gesture, creating a coherent wave pattern that undulates around the stadium. (The same effect can be heard when an audience’s random applause shifts into synchronous clapping).

So what do laser light and The Wave have to do with creating an enlightened planetary civilization? Everything. Like light beams, the wavelengths of your thoughts are generally incoherent, yet they can be aligned to produce an amplified power. Intuitively, we know that we can achieve fantastic results when we maintain a coherent focus of attention-waves on our intention—without distraction or doubts. (This is the principle behind Neo’s abilities in the movie The Matrix and in the reality creation technique taught in the Avatar® Course).

Recently, researchers have found that this principle also works with the intentions of a group of aligned individuals. In “The Great Experiment”*, carried out on February 15, 2003, James Twyman asked 100,000 people to focus on peace in the Middle East and in the days following this global prayer vigil, local authorities reported that violent acts in the area were reduced by 50%. The alignment of intention amplified the power of individual prayers into a group “Peace Wave” that was felt halfway around the world!

Imagine…a world where the power of prayer eclipses the force of armies! It’s happening, here and now.

May Peace Fill Your Heart,
Tony Cecala, Ph.D.

*To learn more about James Twyman’s work

“What is the way to peace? There is no way to
peace. Peace is the way.”
— A.J. Muste

About Tony Cecala

Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

About the Author

About the Author: Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind. .


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