Your Spring Stars (2011)

Written by on March 22, 2011 in Astrology

Cynthia NovakWelcome tempestuous spring: Goodbye unpredictable winter. The fast-moving personal planets pull away from Neptune, the mysterious planet of illumination or confusion; then they cross Uranus, the planet of revolution and freedom. Uranus is unpredictable. The only thing we can count on is the unexpected. Here in Texas spring began in February and as I write this, the gift of spring is still upon us. I heard it said that in Texas spring can be short as a whisker. That is true. Summer heat lands in May and lingers through September. We’ll take this gift because it will change.

Like a political demonstration under a tyrannical ruler, a spring breeze and hope for rain can turn into a deadly tornado. The planets gather in fruitful lunar mansions this spring. Each New Moon plants the seed for an abundant future and reminds us that it takes dedication, skill and sometimes daring to produce and protect the harvest. We the People of the world are part of nature. We are mighty in our own eyes and yet still vulnerable to mortality. That sounds ominous, but it is merely reverence. This spring we are surrounded with change and opportunity. There is no need to minimize its greatness. Jupiter is the planet of luck, law, theatre and learning. Jupiter remains unusually strong through April and though he moves into the constellation Aries in May in the Vedic system, Jupiter is still good for prosperity. I had no idea that the mix of Jupiter with high tech Uranus would be a series of revolutions organized on the social networking international stage. Uranus is innately unpredictable.

April: The first week of April is eventful and productive. Jupiter pulls away from Saturn’s opposing grasp. Money flows again. The Market continues to edge up: a jump up and a dive down…but optimism reigns and it continues to rise. Saturn reveals those in need. Jupiter is compelled to tell their stories. The legislature must balance resources with need and future growth. It’s rather daunting. Each New Moon since January, we see a great deal of need opposed by Saturn’s tight budget. It’s the nature of things, but nature is all about life and death. Like several years of drought, it is hard to plant when seed and soil are drained. However, nature is tenacious and hopeful and will try again. Survival depends upon it.

As April begins, things are starting to move…but it takes 10 days to believe it….maybe more. Gas prices should slowly come down by mid-May. It looks treacherous in Libya and 7 other Arab nations, but it is the beginning of a new cycle. Jupiter opposes Saturn exactly for the final time this month. These planets of economic reconstruction move slowly and remind us that hope requires diligence and that tenacity eventually pays off for those who balance it with hope. Jupiter is big ideas and Saturn is the gritty work of holding on until we find a way.

April has a most exciting New Moon on the 3rd. Mercury, the planet of communication and transportation appeared to stop in the heavens just before the New Moon. This is actually good for mental clarity. Mercury is at the very last degree of the lunar mansion Revati: think of Revati as where the end and the beginning are one. Mercury appears to stand still. Slowly he will move backward as Jupiter, the optimist, moves forward. Which way will the 8 nations go? In some respect, our own lives are in a state of change.

Retrograde Mercury: April 3rd until April 25th is a time to reflect and review. Back up your files and simplify your schedule. It’s a great for meditation and the time voted most likely for your subconscious mind to flush your schedule. Confirm that meeting and be brief. Everyone wants a little quiet time. If you are in sales, folks want peace, quiet and simplicity.

Mars and Uranus are just minutes apart on April 3rd. If you feel plugged into a collective power surge, you are not alone. The Sun (think life-force or ego) has pulled away from Mars. Aggression and war are part of Mars’ domain…but so is service. Mars with Uranus is associated with accidents. Why? Because we are distracted and irritated or outright mad. Breathe deeply, focus and do not walk and talk, much less try to juggle text messages and drive.

Something big is coming. If you want to sell your house for a fair price, then do an open house on the 3rd. It is also a productive time to immerse yourself in study, nature, a yoga retreat or to learn about enlightenment. Most of us are too distracted: the challenge is to focus on present time and breathe. Work at it until it becomes natural. These are blustery days and the news is full of anger. However, it and we are also filled with light. Breathe deeply until you can find it. It is beneath the fear and is truly in the arms and eyes of those around you. Do something to lighten someone’s load. Hire him to work with you or finish that project. Venus is exalted in Vedic astrology and she helps us discover compassion. Practical Saturn faces her: She won’t cry for you, but will help you build something.

May: Mars dashes into Aries on May 3rd. Just in time for the New Moon. You’ve got to get going! Mars is good for action and he is particularly good for a fresh start. Not next year, but today or at least tomorrow. Mars is also good for business. Venus remains strong and this combination works for romance. Mars is action-oriented and this Venus is gentle: She is attraction-oriented. That can be confusing, but is also the best of both. Push ahead then allow. Plant your seed, but watch the weather, know what your garden needs, allow it to grow as is the plant’s nature not your own demands. And yes, the harvest is good. There is nothing in this process that allows for neglect. In fact, you may need to groom and protect your seedlings. Keep and eye on the stormy weather in your own thoughts. Do you really want to throw thunder and anger? Can you use your energy to build or will you dread?

Jupiter breaks into Aries on May 8th. He’ll spend a year here with 3 months in Ashwini. I love this mansion! It celebrates the healing power of dawn: The gift of a new day. Just sleep on the problem and it will look better tomorrow. Rest and the stress will step aside and present a new perspective. Jupiter is an optimist and this is a fresh start. In fact, it’s the beginning of the great wheel of all 28 lunar mansions. The lunar mansion is called Ashwini for The Ashwins. They are magical beings born from the Sun God and his estranged wife. She left him because his ego was so big he couldn’t see who she really was. Only when his children fought each other did he see that his family was amiss. He came to his wife with what he’d learned. From their union the Ashwins were born and they bring the dawn of a new day…every day. Now, Jupiter reminds us that even the most self-centered person can learn to see himself. He and we can seek enlightenment…and find it in time.

June, a month for weddings, begins with Venus and Mars together. Think charisma, chemistry, impatience and demands. Don’t let the bride or groom-zilla surface in you. Reach for wisdom: invest your time and creativity to do for others. Remember, it’s not about “me” it’s about “we.” If you have the lavish, opulent wedding of your dreams, remember that the dress or the venue is not as important as the spouse. Can you give of your heart? Is the surface more important than the core?

Two Solar eclipses! There are two solar eclipses and a lunar eclipse in between. It is rarer than a blue moon. They are partial eclipses: neither are fully in the eclipse path so the shadow of the Moon cannot fully block the Sun’s light. The 1st is June 1 in the far northern hemisphere and the 2nd July 1 near Antarctica. Wow! Don’t you know that Arctic drilling and global warming will be in the news this summer? There is a lunar eclipse between them on the 15th of June.

The Obama Presidency: The groups of planets are not sitting on any in his chart. This is an important time in his Presidency, but as Mars pulls away within a few months, he seems even more distant. He’s in the final year of his Jupiter master cycle (think political opportunity). Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has very powerful transits. Her fierce combination of Mars, Saturn and Pluto in her birth chart are triggered throughout this spring. I wonder where her place on the world stage will take her in 2012? She won’t fade away. She has strength and experience and this time in history will chronicle her courage.

Presidents Past: Both GWB and Bill Clinton have lots of positive planetary action to their charts this spring. Jupiter is always good for politicians…even retired ones. I expect good things from them.

Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984. Read Cynthia’s daily astrological message at or see Come hear Cynthia’s talk at the Wellness Expo in Addison on Sunday, April 17, 2011 and the Wellness Expo in Grapevine on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at 11:30am entitled “Astrology & You”.

About Cynthia Novak

Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984 or visit

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About the Author

About the Author: Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984 or visit .


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