Hello New Year and the excitement of anticipation! Change is in the air. It’s not a passive expectation, but one born of nervous excitement and anticipation that the “change” in Washington is more than a campaign promise. It is also the renewed enthusiasm of the 1960 election of JFK. Remember the great Inaugural Address of January 20th, 1961? That’s where we get the famous quote that would be the light of a generation. “Ask not what your country can do for you: Ask what you can do for your country.” Again, we have a great orator and a president with a presence that is “big.” Again, we are in an economic crisis and again, we need to dig in and turn the economy around. Is this merely a coincidence or is it an opportunity?
January begins a year of rebirth: If you could see all the planets in the heavens at one time, you’d see that all but two are spread across just two constellations: Sagittarius and Capricorn. Pluto lingers in a zone that holds the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. This section is called Mula in Vedic astrology and is known for destruction and rebirth. Ancient astronomers call this the womb of our solar system. This might be symbolic or it might be literal. The key word is rebirth. Pluto has been in this mansion for more than a year. As we begin the year, Mars, the planet of war on any front; action and service at every level, has just crossed Pluto. On some level, as we move through the month, we’ll take a collective breath. As we begin the year, we are waiting to exhale.
Venus, the planet of love, who can be a little greedy, has just moved away from Neptune, the planet of illusion or mystical mysteries. We move through this month and pull on every spiritual teaching we’ve ever learned: from a child’s prayer to complicated ritual. We reach for faith. We ask for guidance and protection. As Venus pulls away we reach for her financial side. She is the planet of love and money. In late January, she crosses Uranus and faces Saturn. The planet of love and money is set free from the past and faces the planet of work. Saturn is the foundation, but before we can rebuild, we need to detach (Uranus) from the past without destroying it. It should be a big stimulus and a sign that the new administration has some grace from the heavens.
The Inauguration: We can’t talk about January without the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the U.S.A. He has promised something bigger than a political party. His Inaugural address will reflect this. I picked Obama out of the big pack of Democrats in October 2007 because of the planets on this day: the transits to his chart. He was born with Jupiter, the guru, teacher and politician, in the same place in the heavens where Jupiter sits now. Mercury sits next to Jupiter on January 20th. This is particularly powerful for words and for business. They are joined by the Sun, the planet of life-force-energy. They all sit in a lunar mansion that deals with “universal virtues.” This is a combination of unity and a desire greater than ego or the individual man to be the vessel for change. This is his destiny and we wish him a safe passage through this part of history and we hope that he can carry “We the People” along with his powerful and inspiring connection to something Big. I like to think of Obama as a man who will help the nation revitalize her soul. He has the capacity to bring out the best in most of us. His speeches will be remembered. Don’t miss the Inaugural Address on the 20th.
The Solar Eclipse on January 26th falls in a mansion that is great for learning and listening. Here we have a call to listen deeply with every part of our being. We’ll see clues to economic growth and industries. Watch for companies that are lean or that manufacture a useful product. I know we’ve come to be a service industry nation, but the planets gathered in Capricorn are about tangible resources. They might be wood, stone, minerals or food. Utilitarian is another key word. Things that are simple, perhaps a bit ascetic, make the news. Watch for businesses that teach others how to work together. Pride in “American Made” is coming back. Watch now to see which companies are coming home or how our legislators are making it desirable for them to do so.
February: Mars has left Pluto behind. In fact, Pluto is the only planet left in the destructive lunar mansion, Mula. This is good news. Now, there are 5 planets clustered together in the constellation Capricorn. They are surprisingly reminiscent of a cluster in 1962. The three lunar mansions in Capricorn include the one for “universal virtues”; the one about listening and learning and the one about actively drumming up business. What better way to get the economic train going again? Who are these planets? Well, Jupiter, the great teacher, is there. Mars joined him in late January. Mercury is there, too, as well as the Sun. Neptune is at the every end of this group. He’ll move on by the end of the month. For now, we need his mystical faith to help us stay connected to the collective mission and not buckle under personal fear. Venus helps us. She’ll be exalted or at her best from January 27th until May 30th. We can all reach for the best in love and guidance about money as individuals and as a nation. It’s up to us to hold the vision and be tolerant.
March: Business is going somewhere. There is activity and some sort of stimulus that draws the attention of businesses here at home. If that’s the case, it will become real so be patient. There is so much activity shown by placements in the heavens that it’s hard to imagine it is just talk. We start the month with Mercury, the planet of talk, and business in every form, crossing Mars, the planet of action; and, well, aggression, service and daring. These two might signal daring words and a business plan to get the giant shark called capitalism swimming again. It might also signal bleeps and blunders with the microphone on. This combination is strong during the first week of March. By the end of the month, Mercury follows the New Moon (Sun and Moon together) and crosses Venus. Both Venus and Mars are exalted when Mercury crosses them. We can reach for the best of Mars in terms of service and great compassion from Venus. At the very least, this month is about vocal passion and romance. Venus is retrograde: time to turn within and find your best. However, the potential for soulful grace and compassion is great. It’s up to you to reach for the potential. The reach is the action part. Compassion will require that action.
Retrograde Mercury: Mercury turns retrograde on January 11th until February 1st. This is the time when communication and transportation seem most likely to run amok. A retrograde movement is simply the period of time when a planet is closest to the Earth. We watch the planet in the sky and it appears to move backward. This is when the planet’s archetype or energy turns inward. Mercury is a mental planet: we forget appointments and long for quiet time. It’s a challenge to return calls or even leave the right number when we call. It’s a business planet. These are times we need to get down to business, but we’d really rather be on the island of our dreams. If you really do need to make that appointment, confirm it! Some astrologers say this is a bad time to travel. I like to travel during Mercury retrograde…as long as I’m not tightly scheduled. It’s a great time to meander in an exotic place without any phones or appointments to make.
Venus goes retrograde: Venus turns retrograde from March 6th until April 17th. Venus is the planet of love and money in their most simple or conceptual ways. Venus turns retrograde and we look back in time on love of the past. Don’t be surprised if a long-forgotten love tracks you down. The search sites will be abuzz this spring. This is also a time to look within and see where you spend your money. It might be good to take notes or really look at your debit card statement to see where you’ve spent. Venus is about pleasures. When she turns inward, the pleasures of the spirit and those of insight are strong. These are peaceful periods for those that are the contemplative: times that ultimately lead to peace. No matter if your battle is with coworkers, family, memories or thoughts of the future, Venus moves into Pisces in your Vedic chart on January 28th and stays there until May 30th. Find your Pisces house and that’s where you will journey within and with love.
How the Love Grows: Venus is so soulful and introspective that we see our lovers and spouses from the filter of the soul’s light. We see their light even when we know they irritate us. This may be easiest to see with a romantic partner, but it stretches to all relationships…even the folks who irritate us most! Venus lingers in lunar mansions that are great for meditation. A peaceful mind is better equipped to overlook the little stuff.
How the Money Flows: It may be erratic, but money does flow. The giant economic train begins to snort steam and slowly move. I hope it will gain momentum quickly. At least in retrospect this winter will be remembered as a time when we started rolling again. That’s rolling…not falling.
The Obama administration of change: The planets are strangely similar to those in the early 60’s. One strange international union has been Russia and Venezuela. Reminiscent to the cold war, Russia sent a nuclear submarine and ships to Venezuela where both nations are publicly doing naval exercises as I write this. Might they want to elicit fear-filled memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis? It will be fascinating and sometimes frightening to see how this administration handles international and national crises. Obama’s chart is one of a wise old soul who is here to fulfill his destiny. “We the People” elected him based upon little other than his presence. Call it charisma or false political promises, but I feel it is something bigger. Will folks find a way to get along or will we feed on the fear that “those” people won? It’s up to us to reach for bigness in the face of fear that often brings out pettiness. Let’s envision unity and success. Mars and Venus will be very strong this winter. I dare you to reach for the biggest part of your character. That would be the greatest change in recent years. Let’s get the great engine of our nation’s economy and philosophy going again. It will take most, if not all of us, to push her. I believe Obama is a leader who can inspire us to push.
Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984. Read Cynthia’s daily astrological message at www.HolisticNetworker.com/dailymessage/ or see www.CynthiaNovak.com
Come hear Cynthia’s talk at the Wellness Expo on Sunday, April 19 at 11:30am entitled “Astrology and You”.
About Cynthia Novak
Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984 or visit www.CynthiaNovak.com
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