Something happens to the body after college age, it’s the body saying it needs nourishment for a better life. A better life means increased productivity and increased quality in everyday living. The average consumer thinks that an easier living means more remote controls, cruise control in the car and have a desktop computer plus a laptop; however, easier living is really how agile the body is and how efficiently it can move on an everyday basis.
That college food of pizza and soda should be left in those dormitories – bring out the whole grains, vegetables, fish, beans, and fruit! Why is white flour products detrimental to the body? White flour products is stripped of its bran and has nothing nutritional to offer. White flour also contributes to inflammation in the body which can lead to arthritis! You still want that white flour pasta or that white crusted pizza?
What’s in soda? Phosphoric acid, aspartame (if diet), high fructose corn syrup (if regular) – for starters.