Cynthia Novak

Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984 or visit

Spring Stars (2006)

Spring Stars (2006)

Written by on April 1, 2006 in Astrology, Features

Do You See Weeds or Flowers? Here we are, the breezy rainy months that feed all creatures and lakes and nurture Texas soil for another year. It’s dynamic: one day chilly, another day rainy. Gentle joyful days punctuated by fear as you watch the sky to see how bad the storm will be… then swear […]

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Your Winter Stars (2006)

Your Winter Stars (2006)

Written by on December 17, 2005 in Astrology

The seasons mark the movement of time. The longest night has passed, and we turn slowly toward more light. It’s winter with long nights and cold: This is stressful for animals and humans alike. Food and heat are particularly precious. During this time we are reminded that we depend upon each other. The future is […]

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Your Autumn Stars (2005)

Your Autumn Stars (2005)

Written by on September 21, 2005 in Astrology

Everyone has a levee that Needs Attention, where’s yours? Watching the suffering hour after hour and unable to pull myself away from the tube, I had to ask, “Why was I watching?” It was an easy answer: I kept going back hoping that there would be a moment where the cavalry rode in and saved […]

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The Summer of Scandals: Is it Karma, Dharma or the Usual Bums in your Brain?

The Summer of Scandals: Is it Karma, Dharma or the Usual Bums in your Brain?

Written by on July 1, 2005 in Astrology

The great wheel of time turns and we enter the heat of summer. Planetary heat also rises this year. We have several interesting combinations in the heavens. These energies will herald an awakening by some into their greatness and greatest gifts (dharma). They will leave others feeling trapped by destiny or frustrated by circumstance (karma). […]

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