Tony Cecala

Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

Chinese Medicine Offers Long-Term Relief for National Allergy Week

Chinese Medicine Offers Long-Term Relief for National Allergy Week

Written by on May 11, 2005 in Health

With Spring in full swing, more than 50 million people will suffer from allergies this season. According to the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United States, costing the health care system $18 billion annually. Chronic sinusitis alone affects nearly 35 million people […]

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The Cult of Science

The Cult of Science

Written by on December 21, 2004 in Editorial

The grassroots hit movie “What the Bleep Do We Know” has stimulated many discussions about quantum physics and the notion that we create reality with our minds. The movie has also put a spotlight on the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose photos of frozen water crystals suggest that water is sensitive to the energy […]

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Who Inspires You?

Who Inspires You?

Written by on October 1, 2004 in Editorial

Who inspires you? I am inspired by people whose enthusiasm about their life compels me to share their message with others. Their passion for their dreams inspires me to reconnect with my highest vision for my life. When we remember that we are much more than our roles, our nationalities, our special interests, our bank […]

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What is Your Passion?

What is Your Passion?

Written by on July 1, 2004 in Editorial

Do you leap out of bed in the morning? Are you excited about your life? Some people eagerly launch into their day and their enthusiasm infects everyone they meet. We lose track of time when we are engaged in our life’s work. We become absorbed in the flow of life and feel energized in a […]

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Embracing the Shadow

Embracing the Shadow

Written by on April 1, 2004 in Editorial

Do you consider yourself bigoted or greedy? Are you filled with conceit? Most people, when asked, do not see themselves as having negative traits. You see, the ego has a place for these undesirable emotions—we call it the subconscious. Freud popularized the term and recognized that we hide resisted experiences—those we judge as horrible—in this […]

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Loss and Grieving

Loss and Grieving

Written by on April 1, 2004 in Editorial

Grief, the emotional response to any loss, can powerfully overwhelm us with a flood of seemingly unending feelings. Grief can incapacitate us, making work and daily life seem meaningless. A grieving heart feels terribly vulnerable: a tender memory of our loved one, or a sad song on the radio can bring on a flood of […]

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Living Fearlessly

Living Fearlessly

Written by on January 1, 2004 in Editorial

In his book, I: Reality and Subjectivity, Dr. David R. Hawkins notes that the exact time of our death is already determined at our birth. This one statement—verified with kinesiology— implies that we’ve made choices regarding our life that not only include our birth time, but also the endpoint of our life experience. If our […]

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It’s a Small World

It’s a Small World

Written by on October 1, 2003 in Editorial

Have you ever met a stranger who happened to know one of your close friends? We’ve all had this kind of experience and we think “it’s a small world.” You may also be familiar with the theory there are only “six degrees of separation” between you and any other person on the planet. It’s the […]

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The “Peace Wave”

The “Peace Wave”

Written by on April 1, 2003 in Editorial

Have you ever played with a hand-held laser pointer? I’m fascinated by these devices. Powered by tiny batteries, they emit an intense beam of light that is visible for miles. What’s the secret behind laser light? Physicists have determined that light waves are generally incoherent—that their wavelengths are randomly oriented. Simply put, one wavelength of […]

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Savoring Life

Savoring Life

Written by on January 1, 2003 in Editorial

Winter brings short days and cold nights. Traditionally, winter is a time for evaluation, for resting, for going within, for reviewing the previous year, and planning the next. During this time, many of us make our New Year’s resolutions. The seasons exist within us and we are intimately connected with the cycles of the earth. […]

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