Tony Cecala
Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

We are pleased to present the 10th year anniversary issue of the Holistic Networker. When we launched this publication in 1992, many people were unfamiliar with the term holistic. Today, our movement has shifted from being on the fringe into the avante garde—it is now “hip” to live a holistic lifestyle. We recently had the […]

I’ve discovered a way to see the future, to feel it and experience it as tangibly as this paper in your hands. Ready? Talk with a person 10, 20, or 30 years younger than yourself and observe the differences in your worldviews. How do they perceive themselves? How do they perceive the world? What is […]

This issue of the Holistic Networker contains several articles that illustrate how powerful we are. In “Accessing the Creative Matrix” [p53], Christan Hummel reminds us that energy follows thought and that by living with fearful thoughts, we continually create terror in ourselves. By turning our thoughts toward what we would like to create, we harness […]

Do you wish that others could be more compassionate and understanding? How do we deal with hateful, violent people who seem to be intent on ruining our wonderful world? Often, our first reaction is to condemn violence, to separate ourselves from it. Yet who among us hasn’t ever had an ill-intentioned thought or behaved in […]

Beliefs about health run rampant in our culture, and many of us unconsciously adopt the health-related beliefs of others, including well-meaning family, friends, and (especially) experts. Take aging: many experts will warn you to expect a decline in the abilities of your future body. Yet, none of their “hard facts” need to apply to you. […]

Marc Gafni, author of Soul Prints: Your Path to Fulfillment, believes that we all have our own distinct “soul print” that is as unique as our fingerprint. By determining and embracing our spiritual signature —the essence of who we are—we discover purpose and meaning in our lives. Gafni writes, “Your soul print fits you more […]

Government, politics, and elections. Boring, right? Nothing we can do, right? “Why vote?”, people say, “What difference would it make?” You might argue that the political arena is corrupt, or that government has grown irrelevant. I know these beliefs well; I held them myself. One day I realized that these very beliefs were not helpful. […]

The rapid growth of the internet is a compelling and fascinating study for anyone interested in building a cooperative system that works. Today’s internet has its roots in a military project called Arpanet. The system was designed so that if any part of the network becomes disabled, the system adapts and still function as a […]