Tony Cecala
Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

As an infant you come into the world with boundless awareness, you experience everything as “I.” Your integrated consciousness knows and loves everything, even your own feces. Gradually you learn to adopt viewpoints and come to define yourself by the limits of your skin. You distinguish between “I” and “Other.” This dis-integration process continues as […]

Have you ever met a completely honest person? What would that person even be like? A completely honest person would communicate exactly what they’re experiencing—their thoughts, feelings, dreams, and fantasies. If this level of intimacy sounds frightening to you, then you’re in good company. All of us have thoughts and feelings we judge inappropriate and […]

How do you measure success? We all recognize success when we see it. Our culture projects thousands of images of successful living in the media and in the arts. These images become standards for what we desire to be, to do, and to have. I feel that society’s focus on success has bred a competitive […]

Have you ever watched a colony of ants at work? Their lives are focused on keeping their queen well-fed, sheltered and comfortable. Each day, they tirelessly set out to find food for her. When a worker discovers a breadcrumb, news spreads back to the colony and several hundred ants march on along the scented trail […]

Many people feel that they have too much stress in their lives. What do we really mean by stress? The circumstances that one person finds stressful may be exciting to another. I define stress as “any external force that is met with resistance.” A bridge is a stress-bearing system. By design, it handles forces placed […]

Welcome to the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex’s directory for the holistic and metaphysical community. I’m very pleased with the growth of the holistic movement in the Metroplex. Each of us, by focusing our attention on wellness and personal growth, have helped to create this thriving community. A community can be defined as “a unified body of […]

What is it about other people that drives you crazy? Do dishonest people make you angry? Do slow drivers make your blood boil? Examine your likes and dislikes and you’ll discover how you have defined yourself. By labeling someone as “cruel” you define yourself as “not-cruel.” When you define another as “boring” you define yourself […]

Our society is rediscovering it’s most valuable resource. This resource never runs out, it creates no pollution, it can be found in unlimited abundance, and it is available to every person on the planet. This resource is the human imagination. Successful organizations understand that their assets lie not in a bank, or a warehouse, but […]

Welcome to the Age of Consciousness! Unlike in the Sixties when higher states of consciousness were explored by youthful hippies, the Nineties are characterized by a mainstream interest in yoga, meditation, personal growth, alternative medicine, and metaphysics. I think you’ll agree that it is fascinating to experience our civilization waking up to its greater potential. […]