Tony Cecala
Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

One of my great pleasures in publishing The Holistic Networker is that I get to know, and work with, very spiritual and enlightened people in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Many of the professionals listed in The Networker have the uncanny ability to brighten up your day with a word, a smile, or a simple understanding […]

Our society is moving rapidly into a new era where the industrial-age systems are beginning to break down. Have you noticed how rapidly our economic climate is shifting? Mega-corporations are losing billions and laying off tens of thousands regularly; our government struggles to maintain an obsolete Social Security system; and our bank system has lost […]

People often ask each other “How’s business?” In publishing The Holistic Networker, I have the opportunity to answer that question every three months. This is the fourth issue of The Holistic Networker — each one has grown in both quantity and quality. I have noticed several characteristics common to people who are successful in life: […]

Many of us are finding that our values and interests are dramatically changing. We are realizing that our cultural institutions cannot provide us with the happiness and security that we seek. We are discovering that happiness, security, and personal well-being cannot be granted from outside sources. Instead, we are personally responsible for creating these in […]