Tony Cecala
Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

On your mark. Ready to reset? It’s time to reload…let’s go! We begin this season with Mercury retrograde, but about to go forward. Mars also begins to move forward on April 13th. Then Venus moves forward, takes some time to reflect on love and money in the past, then moves forward again at the end […]

Listen to LaRue Eppler’s talk at the Wellness Expo on April 16, 2011 You were born with an internal guidance system installed, but what gets in the way of trusting it? LaRue will debunk two common myths that inhibit or block your ability to recognize, trust, and follow Inner Guidance, with certainty. LaRue Eppler is […]

Nation’s first privately funded, comprehensive electric car / EV charging network now includes Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex; Interstate 45 connection with Houston slated for 2012 NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is bringing range confidence to electric vehicle (EV) owners in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex by commencing operations at the first privately funded, eVgosm (ee-vee-go) Freedom Station […]
Twenty years ago the internet was a small collection of goverment and educational computers, a place for scientists to communicate. Today, you can access the internet and 3 billion other connected beings with a device that fits in your pocket. Twenty years ago your car had an AM/FM radio, and a fancy cassette player. Today, […]

Offering trance sessions extensively since 1986, “the channel formerly known as Seán Michael”, hails from a heritage of psychics, travels through the States and Internationally, offering Visionary Guidance. CeAnn inspires Loving Allowance, Self Motivation, Intuitive Growth and the awakening of unlimited human potential. CeAnn channels a non-physical being known as Malachite. Upon The DreamTime thoughts […]

In Fortune 500 boardrooms the buzzword of 2011 has certainly been “disruption”. Corporate executives watch in horror as the Internet transforms entire industries in favor of quicker—more connected—upstarts. The seismic shifts that have hit the music, news, entertainment, and publishing industries will be the topic of business school case studies for decades to come. More critically, […]

Learn about WordPress with an in-depth look at the main features, files, and plugins. Learn to install, configure, style and extend your WordPress site using best practices. Learn what’s new, what’s old, and what’s on the horizon for WordPress. Learn how to update a WordPress site for the latest trends in social, mobile and SEO. […]

I remember squinting at the alarm clock as I woke up on my 50th birthday. Red glowing numbers came into focus, 4:51. I’m reminded of Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451, and I think about the book that I’m writing with Felicia. I’ve been obsessing over details, and she has been urging me firmly, “Just get […]

Severo “Ami” Amagna, passed away on February 12, 2011 at the age of 87 in Carrollton, TX. Originally from the Philippines, Ami was the son of the late Agerico Amagna & Salavadora Venzon of Iba, Zambales. He was preceded in death by his wife, Anita Amagna. He is survived by his children Linda Gerber (Hal), […]

Asthma, a chronic disease of the lungs, affects an estimated 300 million people around the world. Although it is considered a treatable disease with proper medication, it still claims over 3,000 deaths each year in the U.S. alone. It is also one of the most common diseases for which patients turn to alternative therapies, such […]