Tony Cecala
Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind. Dr. Stilling’s colon therapy department suggests different things when getting a colonic session and what foods could cause a lot of build up in the colon. “I will suggest that [the patients] talk to the doctor to determine in [their] opinion based on what they’re eaten over the years just how many colonic sessions […]

Dumblittleman provides a list of reasons why it’s good to exercise and how we can benefit from it. Listen. Some exercise is better than none, more exercise is generally better than less, and no exercise can be disastrous. No one is asking for you to start a rigorous daily regimen, just do something. If you […]

Jon Barron talks about how artificial sweeteners increase weight gain rather than weight loss. …artificial sweeteners may throw off your body’s natural calorie-counting response, leaving you more likely to overindulge in other foods. In experiments on rats, the researchers found that those fed yogurt sweetened with sugar substitutes, “consumed more calories, put on more weight, […]