Tony Cecala
Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

Janice VanDusen talks about her craniosacral work and how craniosacral therapy can have an impact on someone’s life. “You’re dealing with the membranes that are inside the skull and also the cerebral spinal fluid, and you’re using the skull as a handle and you’re modifying the membranes and thus you’re enhancing the whole system, the […] Dr. Mercola goes over the basics of ways to lose weight and introduces brown seaweed as something that can help you lose weight. “Brown seaweed actually [is] highly effective producing a weight loss in some animal studies… it has actually been found to contain a compound that could help and reduce the accumulation of […]

This video gives you advice and tips on how to safely lose weight dramatically without having to workout extensively or starving yourself. “Dieter’s Nutritional Analysis is a system designed to pinpoint how your individual metabolizes food… then use it to layout a nutritional program to help cleanse and revitalize your body.”

Practitioners of modern medicine often focus on the diagnosis and management of an illness rather than taking a holistic view of a patient’s body, mind and spirit. When illnesses are minor, the outcomes are usually good. However, a patient with a life-threatening illness can experience a life crisis that requires physicians to be expert in […]