Tony Cecala

Tony is a business strategist. He publishes the Holistic Networker and produces the Wellness Expo. In his spare time he reads about technology and the mind.

Natural Medicine: Acupuncture pins down seasonal allergy relief

Natural Medicine: Acupuncture pins down seasonal allergy relief

Written by on January 9, 2008 in Health

Seattlepi reports on weekly acupuncture with herbal medicine reducing allergy symptoms and supporting your immune system. A growing number of allergy sufferers in the United States are turning to the ancient therapy of acupuncture to bring them relief from the sneezing, congestion and watery eyes that plague them. According to a 2004 study published by […]

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Laughing Club Of India

Laughing Club Of India

Written by on December 21, 2007 in Movies, Reviews

By Arielle Ford Rumor has it that the world-renowned director Mira Nair (MONSOON WEDDING, VANITY FAIR, THE NAMESAKE), was in Bombay, stuck in traffic on Marine Drive and in the midst of a movie-maker’s equivalent of writer’s block when she discovered the source of traffic was hundreds of women dressed in all white crossing the […]

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The Secret Ocean

The Secret Ocean

Written by on December 21, 2007 in Features, Spirituality

by Katie Davis In a way, life is like beachcombing, as we search for seashells to find happiness. Seeking love, we carefully gather the treasures that we cherish most and when happiness wanes, we move on to collect others. We seem to forget that their abundant source is the inner Ocean; the only spring of […]

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What is the Nature of Egyptian High Alchemy, And Why is it So Effective?

What is the Nature of Egyptian High Alchemy, And Why is it So Effective?

Written by on December 21, 2007 in Features, Spirituality

by Zacciah Blackburn Egyptian High Alchemy is a path of personal transformation and illumination, leading to ultimate enlightenment. It is a practice fueled primarily by awareness and energy gathering exercises, which allows one to become more fully awake, and eventually sustain illuminated states of consciousness. Exercises may range from simple to complex, using some of […]

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Getting Real

Getting Real

Written by on December 21, 2007 in Editorial

You did it. Now your children are doing it, too. Somehow, each new generation manages to surprise their elders with attitudes and behaviors that parents find shocking and offensive. Today, young people publish their private thoughts, photos, and videos, in essence—their lives—online in blogs, media sites and social networking web sites like Facebook. Camera phones […]

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Traditional Chinese Medicine to Lower Blood Pressure

Traditional Chinese Medicine to Lower Blood Pressure

Written by on September 18, 2007 in Health

Traditional Chinese medicine is a large practice composed of many aspects. There is acupuncture (the use of small needles to free and aid one’s qi), qi gong (a self healing art that combines meditation and movement), massage therapy, herbs, and various manners of meditation, to name a few. Each practice has specific ailments that it […]

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Self Actualization: Is It All About Me?

Self Actualization: Is It All About Me?

Written by on September 18, 2007 in Editorial

Money! Power! Health! Relationships! Great Abs! You can have it all! Self-help books consistently top the bestseller lists, and workshops based on “The Secret” and other success formulas consistently sell out. Why does our society have such a strong fascination with self-improvement? There is, of course, an underlying message and feeling that who you are […]

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AMMA Comes to North Texas

AMMA Comes to North Texas

Written by on June 23, 2007 in Features

AMMA, Celebrated Humanitarian and “God’s Love in a Human Body” to receive thousands in North Texas June 29-30

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Our Fifteenth Anniversary!

Written by on June 23, 2007 in Editorial

In the wee hours of the morning of July 3, 1992 the magazine you’re holding was conceived. That morning I dreamed of a resource guide for the holistic community. Felicia and I discussed the business plan while strolling 4-month old Marissa at the mall. Divvying up the right brain and left brain tasks was easy […]

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Interview with Michael Bernard Beckwith

Interview with Michael Bernard Beckwith

Written by on June 23, 2007 in Features, Interviews

Michael Bernard Beckwith Shares the Truth about Happiness and discusses the new film LIVING LUMINARIES (On the Serious Business of Happiness) by Arielle Ford At the heart of the desire for money, fame, and power is a deep longing for happiness. While boasts more than 200,000 titles on the subject of happiness, it appears […]

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