
How has listening to “your essential whisper” changed your life? Fear and anxiety consumed me most of my life. I now experience peace where absolute terror once debilitated me. An intimate relationship with the Whisper is like having my best friend with me all the time. Following guidance has helped me through the most difficult […]

by Katie Davis In a way, life is like beachcombing, as we search for seashells to find happiness. Seeking love, we carefully gather the treasures that we cherish most and when happiness wanes, we move on to collect others. We seem to forget that their abundant source is the inner Ocean; the only spring of […]

by Zacciah Blackburn Egyptian High Alchemy is a path of personal transformation and illumination, leading to ultimate enlightenment. It is a practice fueled primarily by awareness and energy gathering exercises, which allows one to become more fully awake, and eventually sustain illuminated states of consciousness. Exercises may range from simple to complex, using some of […]

By Jill V. Mangino Last Fall I joined 500 people at a special screening of Conversations with God in New York City, not knowing that the movie I was about to see would forever change how I view the homeless. Conversations with God depicts the true life story of New York Times Best-Selling author Neale […]

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., Capt. USN (Ret) Apollo 14 Astronaut Developments in Consciousness Studies Sunday March 19, 2006 , 2 – 4 pm, Cost: $30 On Jan. 31, 1971, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, then a U.S. Navy captain, embarked on a journey through outer space of some 500,000 miles. That historical journey ended safely nine days […]

Some authors speak of the human condition so profoundly, they become iconic. Such is the case with David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD. The core premise of his groundbreaking Power vs. Force is that truth is subjective, and relative to one’s level of consciousness. He employs a protocol using kinesiology to map consciousness on a logarithmic […]