Archive for April, 2003

Regaining Perspective

Regaining Perspective

Written by on April 1, 2003 in Editorial

When we have our face pressed up against a tree, it is easy to lose our perspective. Our eyes become blurry and things start to look out of focus. Often things become magnified and distorted. By taking a step back, we can regain our perspective. How many times have we found what we were looking […]

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The “Peace Wave”

The “Peace Wave”

Written by on April 1, 2003 in Editorial

Have you ever played with a hand-held laser pointer? I’m fascinated by these devices. Powered by tiny batteries, they emit an intense beam of light that is visible for miles. What’s the secret behind laser light? Physicists have determined that light waves are generally incoherent—that their wavelengths are randomly oriented. Simply put, one wavelength of […]

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