Archive for April, 2004

Embracing the Shadow

Embracing the Shadow

Written by on April 1, 2004 in Editorial

Do you consider yourself bigoted or greedy? Are you filled with conceit? Most people, when asked, do not see themselves as having negative traits. You see, the ego has a place for these undesirable emotions—we call it the subconscious. Freud popularized the term and recognized that we hide resisted experiences—those we judge as horrible—in this […]

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Loss and Grieving

Loss and Grieving

Written by on April 1, 2004 in Editorial

Grief, the emotional response to any loss, can powerfully overwhelm us with a flood of seemingly unending feelings. Grief can incapacitate us, making work and daily life seem meaningless. A grieving heart feels terribly vulnerable: a tender memory of our loved one, or a sad song on the radio can bring on a flood of […]

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