Archive for September, 2005

For millennia, the spiritual science known as Kabbalah has not only been skewed towards men and their issues, but women have literally been forbidden to study it – and in many cases, still are. Now, Karen Berg, co-director of The Kabbalah Centre, the largest international organization devoted to teaching and promoting Kabbalah wisdom, breaks this […]

Watching the Katrina devastation in the media I thought, “our country could sure use a superhero about now.” Someone with X-ray vision to find people trapped in their homes, someone with supersonic speed to round up the looters before they caused any more trouble and someone with incredible strength to single-handedly repair the levee system. […]

Dr. David Hawkins’ newest book, Truth vs Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference, has the power to change the way you see the world—the power to change you. I know this personally; after reading Truth vs Falsehood, I have a much greater understanding of world affairs and a greater appreciation for the US government. World […]