Archive for February, 2008

Most of what we know about our relationships we’ve learn from TV, movies or even romance novels. For many women, the idea they will meet their Prince Charming and live happily ever after is something they are brought up believing is true. As a society, we are lead to believe that one day we will meet the man or woman of our dreams, fall in love, get married, have children and live together forever in an idealist world only found in fairy tails. For many, this isn’t the case. So how can we have a happy healthy marrage?

Organica Research promotes a product involved with colon cleansing, and gives reason for why you should keep your colon clean. “The truth is that our digestive tract especially the colon requires regular cleaning. Why? Because a clogged colon contributes to a whole host of health problems including weight gain, constipation, chronic fatigue, body aches and […]

Dr. Robert Rowen talks about safe method called colon hydrotherapy that can rid of toxins in your colon that can cause disease. “Toxins in the colon are implicated in diseases ranging from arthritis to Parkinson’s disease. The bacterial toxins can hit almost any cell of the body and cause very significant damage…Colon Hydrotherapy is a […] This video takes you through the procedure of colon hydrotherapy cleansing and what to expect during your experience. A healthy colon is essential for good health. A clean colon may provide the greatest benefit for relief from constipation, illumination of parasites, relief from IBS, relief from gas and bloating, also weight loss and a […]

If you life has been filled with ongoing stress, depression, emotional swings or if it has seemed like the world is falling apart around you, then please read on. During the course of the past couple of years, in particular, life hasn’t been very fun for many of us. If you thought it was just you, that only your life was in turmoil, the truth is just about everyone has been challenged over the past few years. Well finally I think I have an answer to what has been happening.