Archive for March, 2008
Sweet FireI’m like a butterfly attracted to a flame. Drawn to the light radiating from you. You inspire me to shine even brighter. Feeling more whole and free and loved. The universe brought us together to share in this experience. Connecting, learning, inspiring, and growing… We all meet various people in our lives, who share […]
Dumblittleman provides a list of reasons why it’s good to exercise and how we can benefit from it. Listen. Some exercise is better than none, more exercise is generally better than less, and no exercise can be disastrous. No one is asking for you to start a rigorous daily regimen, just do something. If you […]
Jon Barron talks about how artificial sweeteners increase weight gain rather than weight loss. …artificial sweeteners may throw off your body’s natural calorie-counting response, leaving you more likely to overindulge in other foods. In experiments on rats, the researchers found that those fed yogurt sweetened with sugar substitutes, “consumed more calories, put on more weight, […]
Janice VanDusen talks about her craniosacral work and how craniosacral therapy can have an impact on someone’s life. “You’re dealing with the membranes that are inside the skull and also the cerebral spinal fluid, and you’re using the skull as a handle and you’re modifying the membranes and thus you’re enhancing the whole system, the […]