Archive for March, 2009

How has listening to “your essential whisper” changed your life? Fear and anxiety consumed me most of my life. I now experience peace where absolute terror once debilitated me. An intimate relationship with the Whisper is like having my best friend with me all the time. Following guidance has helped me through the most difficult […]

How Food Additives Slip Into Your Diet and What To Do About It: Part II In Part 1 of this two-part series, Allie discussed different categories of food additives and in particular, a controversial group of MSG-containing additives. In Part 2, she discusses how these additives made their way into top-selling organic products, onto the […]

Food is medicine. As with all medicines too much, or the wrong type of medicine can be harmful. Many decisions are made daily concerning what we eat. These small decisions add up and ultimately affect our health. By choosing wisely a positive impact can be made on our health and wellness. In part I of […]

Would you like to sleep like a baby without taking drugs? Americans spend upwards of 3 billion dollars a year on sleep medications, but to avoid the side effects, there are a number of natural remedies you can try first. In my new book, Second Spring: Dr. Mao’s Hundreds of Natural Secrets for Women to […]

The Source The source of everything is eternal. It is never depleted or extinguished. All things come from this source whether that be love, money, food, or life itself. The source provides and gives in unlimited supply. By affirming and believing in this abundance of the universe, you allow miracles in your life and your […]

Something happens to the body after college age, it’s the body saying it needs nourishment for a better life. A better life means increased productivity and increased quality in everyday living. The average consumer thinks that an easier living means more remote controls, cruise control in the car and have a desktop computer plus a […]