Archive for June, 2010

The heat is on. The Sun takes center stage in the Northern Hemisphere, but the creative heat is on in the Gulf of Mexico. The seemingly endless oil spill pours from British Petroleum’s apparently endless list of short cuts, deceptions and lies. They couldn’t do it alone: inspectors and employees saw or knew safeguards were […]

1. What led you to start the DFW Metaphysical Chamber of Commerce? Our vision in forming this Chamber of Commerce is to create a collaborative organization for the metaphysical community in order to develop and grow our community’s local businesses. It is also our desire to be an advocate for the community to shed light […]

Are you doing other things while you read these words? Are you sipping coffee? Riding an exercise machine? Listening to music? Most people find it easy to multitask when the tasks require different brain processes. We sometimes get into trouble when we try to text a friend and talk on the phone at the same […]