
Top 10 Worst Drinks

Top 10 Worst Drinks

Written by on August 9, 2011 in Nutrition with 0 Comments

Natalie counts down the 10 worst popular drinks. Chances are if you eat an average American diet, you drank at least three of these today. In a fast food nation, eating healthy food becomes difficult to do. Yet a poor diet contributes to low energy, obesity, stress, health problems and high medical bills. If you […]

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Eating Right Can Reduce Cholesterol

Eating Right Can Reduce Cholesterol

Written by on July 20, 2011 in Nutrition

Learn how to eat right to reduce cholesterol in this free health video. Dr. Susan Jewell discusses some basic tips to reduce cholestrol. Here’s a list of some foods to AVOID if you have high cholesterol: Whole-milk dairy products (e.g., ice cream) Processed meats (e.g., hot dogs) Fried foods (e.g., donuts) Here’s a list […]

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MSG, by any other name, is still MSG? Part II

MSG, by any other name, is still MSG? Part II

Written by on March 19, 2009 in Health, Nutrition

How Food Additives Slip Into Your Diet and What To Do About It: Part II In Part 1 of this two-part series, Allie discussed different categories of food additives and in particular, a controversial group of MSG-containing additives. In Part 2, she discusses how these additives made their way into top-selling organic products, onto the […]

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