
Curly gals, visualize you’re daily routine. You wake up in the morning, get out of bed, and wearily go to the bathroom to brush your teeth when suddenly, you get a glance of your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes widen and you just begin to wonder, “What’s up with my hair!” Learn. Gain Insight. […]

Today more than ever humanity is exploring various spiritual practices in search of truth. With so many choices, it can be difficult to know what is best for you and what will really lead to the great goal of enlightenment. Part of the challenge is many people do not have a clear picture of what […]

Nation’s first privately funded, comprehensive electric car / EV charging network now includes Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex; Interstate 45 connection with Houston slated for 2012 NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) is bringing range confidence to electric vehicle (EV) owners in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex by commencing operations at the first privately funded, eVgosm (ee-vee-go) Freedom Station […]

Unfortunately many people underestimate the importance of skin care. Skin, our largest organ, must be protected from the elements. Our layers of skin protect us from the elements and play a vital role in immune system. By nourishing skin on the outside, we are also protecting our insides. Skin topography is the most important indicator of […]

Everyone wants to have healthy and lustrous hair, but few people realize that there are many harmful chemicals found in shampoo. We looked at three of the best choices for natural hair care products. Commonly found in shampoos and soap, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is used to lather and foam up the hair and body […]

The Remarkable Work of Dr. A.T.W. Simeons Abstract Dr. Simeons has contributed a breakthrough in the field of obesity and weight management. Thanks to his discovery of the role of HCG in weight management, we now have a scientific approach to weight loss that works comfortably and consistently for people. He was truly a pioneer, […]