Archive for September, 2011

Have you ever experienced a bad feeling that just won’t go away? It could be caused by an undiagnosed and untreated allergy. Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) is a holistic method to approaching allergy treatment. NAET uses muscle response to detect where the allergen is located and how it is disrupting the body. Created by Dr. […]

I’d always imagined a natural birth. In our 20s my cousin, Christina, and I would joke and laugh about squatting in the shade of a tree to have our babies—and we were just joking…but not completely. Through my 30s I watched not one or two, but almost all my friends enthusiastically enter the hospital in […]

Offering trance sessions extensively since 1986, “the channel formerly known as Seán Michael”, hails from a heritage of psychics, travels through the States and Internationally, offering Visionary Guidance. CeAnn inspires Loving Allowance, Self Motivation, Intuitive Growth and the awakening of unlimited human potential. CeAnn channels a non-physical being known as Malachite. Upon The DreamTime thoughts […]

The possibility of another planet that can sustain life is a frightening thought for many people. Even worse is the idea of a duplicate self on that planet. Would you want to have a conversation with your duplicate or runaway or blindly pretend they do not exist? Part sci-fi and part indie drama, Another Earth explores many […]

Lisa Oz’s new book is a must read for any self-help junkie. In the book US: Transforming Ourselves and the Relationships that Matter Most, Lisa Oz discusses the connection between healthy minds and healthy relationships. Unlike many self-help books, which force an opinion on the reader, Oz unbiasedly guides the reader to understanding relationships. Right […]

In Fortune 500 boardrooms the buzzword of 2011 has certainly been “disruption”. Corporate executives watch in horror as the Internet transforms entire industries in favor of quicker—more connected—upstarts. The seismic shifts that have hit the music, news, entertainment, and publishing industries will be the topic of business school case studies for decades to come. More critically, […]

Thank goodness it’s October! This has been quite a year for the elements: Floods, tornadoes and fire. The only element left is Earth. I smile as I type this because the Earth is here and we are weary, but grateful for the opportunity to rebuild. This autumn many struggle to rebuild everything. Legislators struggle to […]

Learn about WordPress with an in-depth look at the main features, files, and plugins. Learn to install, configure, style and extend your WordPress site using best practices. Learn what’s new, what’s old, and what’s on the horizon for WordPress. Learn how to update a WordPress site for the latest trends in social, mobile and SEO. […]

How does a woman quickly and safely rejuvenate after childbirth, provide well for her baby, get back to her old energy level, and back into her old jeans? Have a sitting moon! Sitting Moon? In use for thousands of years, the Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, indicating the phase of the moon. According to […]